Truth or Conditioning?

How do you tell the difference between truth and conditioning? How you know if what you tell yourself or believe is really true? How can you tell if it comes from what something or someone has told you? Or if it comes from the depths of who you really are?

Good questions, right? How do you know?

This is a tricky question. At some level truth is relative. You can believe whatever you want. At any point in time. You can even change your mind about what your truth is moment by moment. If you want to.

What I’ve discovered about my own truth is that it is alive. In some way it carries an energy or frequency that has motion. It moves.

When I touch a truth I haven’t had access to before, it actually brings me to tears. It’s a bit like waking up. To a part of me I didn’t know before.

One of my favourite parts of working with others is helping them touch and discover their own deep truths. What it is that is really going on. To discern what is real for them in that moment.

Conditioning creates so many stories about our lives. Who did what to us, where, how and why. We can use use the same story repeatedly to stay small and stuck for years. Looping the same themes repeatedly throughout our entire lives.

There is another way.

Yesterday I had the privilege of witnessing and holding space for someone to recognize a deeper truth from their childhood. She had previously thought her deep sorrow and grief was a result of not having the connection she wanted with her dad. He wasn’t around much when she was growing up.

The deeper truth turned out to be that what she really missed was that her parents weren’t able to connect and love each other deeply. Their deep love and connection would have created a safe home and container for her to grow up in. She would have known safe and secure in herself. Instead, what she learned was that she couldn’t trust others or life to really be there for her.

When the new truth was available, moved and landed for her, it was a though an incredible weight she’d been carrying for years was lifted. She was free to remember that it wasn’t about her. She could remember the innate joy present within herself because she is alive.

A part of her woke up. She could connect more deeply with that part of herself that knows what it is she needs and wants. The freedom and expansion of accessing her deepest truth immediately changed everything.

We need each other to be able to discern our deepest inner truth from the conditioning. We need to have someone else hold the possibilities that we don’t have access to by ourselves. We need help to wake up.

What do you need to help you access your deepest truth today? Is there any way I can support you on your journey?

Green River 7-06 151

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