Here we are at the very beginning of a New Year! The excitement and anticipation of beginning something new contains so many possibilities when we are open to seeing them.
I’ve been exploring the possibilities in being able to see the absolute perfection in every moment. I was just reading Eckhart Tolle’s, A New Earth again this morning, which is such an great reminder of the power of being present and conscious in this exact moment. All we have are moments each and every day. The choice we have is where we place our thoughts and focus each and every moment. When we focus on the past or the future we are missing this moment.
One of my biggest learning opportunities has been to recognize triggers, or things that upset me or grab my attention or focus, as learning opportunities. These triggers are the gateway to healing the parts within that have yet to be healed inside of me.
When I am able to be conscious as the trigger is present, and to observe what I am doing with it, I am changing a deep and usually a very old pattern within me. Perhaps it is an old defense mechanism that I developed in order to cope with hurt or pain that I experienced as a child. By tracing my reaction back to another time or even to it’s place of origin in order to discover what the orginal hurt was, I have the opportunity to heal that place inside of me. Triggers are the opportunities to heal deeply within.
It can be a challenge initially to bring oneself into consciousness when this is happening. I encourage you to find a place of being curious initially, and asking what could be the opportunity in this place? It is deeply rewarding to persist and note that each time you do it, it is easier and requires less time to process.
Often it is another person who initiates the trigger, and in our confusion, we think it is about them. Actually, they are the angel presenting the opportunity for us to heal the deep parts of us that are asking for healing. Everything that happens to us is only about us. We have invited all kinds of angels into our lives to help us heal deeply within, which in time will make it even easier to be present in this moment.
I will know I have healed deeply when I am at peace with everything that happens at every moment in my life.
My hope for us all this year is that we can embrace each and every moment as a gift….And that when we are triggered, that we can step into consciousness and see that moment as a healing opportunity….And that we are able to give thanks for every angel that presents us with the possibility to heal and discover the peace and joy that is already ours….
Namaste’, Cindy
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