The Power of Being

I overheard someone today talking about a family member who has been doing alternative healing for years and was recently diagnosed with a severe case of fibromyalgia.

The person talking expressed surprise and shock that this would happen to someone who had done so much to take care of herself for so long.

It really reminds me of how easy it is to think that ‘doing’ all the right ‘things’ will make us immune to experiencing any kind of illness or disease. I have done that many times myself.

I have experimented with so many things, from organic food and nutritional supplements, to various gadgets and methodology, thinking that if only I did these things, everything would get better and I would happy, healthy and fine.

I’ve gradually learned that it isn’t about the things I ‘do’ as much as it is about healing what is inside me. As I free the depths of my soul and inner being to heal the parts of me that have been hurt and angry and wounded, I find real peace.

It means that I must pay close attention to my thinking and honour my feelings, no matter what they might be. I have spent a lifetime denying most of my real feelings, so learning to listen and value them is the real journey for me.

Physical healing most often comes as a result of a soul healing …. in whatever form that takes for each one of us. At times it may only be a deep sense of healing within rather than an actual physical healing.

Freedom comes when we trust and allow Divine guidance to reveal our individual paths toward joy and ease.

How does this look for you today? In what ways can you listen to your voice within to lead and guide you now?

In closing

 “Do it for love.”  &  “If we don’t dance, what else is there?”
~From the gifted and creative German dance choreographer, Pina Bausch.

With much love, light and peace,

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