Times Are Changing……You Don’t have to Do This Alone

The past couple of months have been intense. For some of us it has been a bit like being pushed through the birth canal again. 

For others it has been like being put in the blender at a variable speed setting.
And yet others may have felt like whirlwinds were moving through their lives. Or maybe hurricanes. Or soft breezes.
Regardless of how it all has felt for you, it is all of great importance and value. 

We are Awakening. You are Awakening.

There are a variety of terms used to describe this time on Earth.

Ascension. New Consciousness. Dimensional shifts out of the Third Dimension to the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth. A New Earth. And probably others I haven’t heard of or have forgotten.

Whatever you want to call it, we are all being expanded and awakened to what is real and what is illusion. What is your truth and what is your conditioning.

To support this end, everything now is about clearing the past experiences, memories and emotions. Your internal cellular circuitry and systems are being completely reset.

Undigested past events and memories are heavy, dense and emotionally charged. They block the new frequencies like a dam blocks a river. The energies back up and cause all kinds of difficulties, challenges, pain, and tension emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Your nervous system is being upgraded so you can run the new frequencies that are now available. So you can relax, flow and enjoy living life.

An aspect of this resetting is to discover your truth. To accept what is true and real. Then to express what that is for you Now.

All of you. Here. Now. Exactly as you are.

You can then explore and practice turning up your love dial to the highest setting available to you in any given moment.

This is big. We’ve never had access to what we do now. These truly are new frequencies of energy on Earth. Exactly what we have been waiting for. Consciously and unconsciously. The time is here. NOW.

We are all integrating the shifts and changes somehow. They are beyond logical understanding which makes it tricky. We need each other to be able to navigate it all.

To think we can do this alone is the old way. The past.

Individual coping and survival is now out of date and being cleared. New energies are replacing them.

NOW requires us to come together. To open our hearts. To trust. To connect. To heal. To explore Being. Together.

To support you in moving forward through the new frequencies at play, I have two offerings that may be of great value and support to you right now…..thank you for being here.



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